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  1. PROFINET Core
  2. PSPNCORE-304

Unexpected behavior of expected submodule related functionality


    • Account:
      SPC Profinet Core (SPCPROFINET)


      Due to an bug in internal iterator implementation, various submodule related functionality might exhibit unexpected and invalid behavior. Affected from this are at least:

      • Wrong alarms are sent on an AR  when plugging submodules. E.g with gaps between them: AR expects Submodules in Slot 1, 2 and 3, Slot 2,3 are not configured and submodule is plugged to Slot 3. (Subslot always 1, all same api) The Alarm for Slot 2 will be seen
      • When an AR connects or Dynamic Reconfiguration Sequence is started, unexpected behavior on submodules in AR or submodules assigned to other AR might occur including wrong release/controlled alarms
      • When an AR aborts, submodule ownership might be assigned an another AR which did not expect them.
      • Module Diff block might contain invalid/unexpected content
      • System Redundancy Primary/Backup changes might result in taking ownership of wrong modules.
      • ProfiEnergy Alarms might be for wrong modules sent

      All the problems above are taken from the source code. It might be difficult to reproduce each particular case. Generally a submodule configuration with gaps between configured submodules and expected submodules is required: Some expected submodules in the middle (ordered by api, slot, subslot) must be missing in real submodule configuration for the problems to show up.


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                  • Reporter:
                    AMesser Andreas Messer
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