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  1. EtherNet/IP Firmware V3
  2. PSEISV3-449

Support of Identity object's reset service (service code 0x05) shall be disabled for CIP Safety Applications


    • Type: Change
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: V3.4.3.0 , V3.5.0.0
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Account:
      SPC EthernetIp Slave (SPCETHERNE)


      In case the host application is a CIP Safety application, the reset service of the identity object shall not be supported by the EtherNet/IP stack, i.e. shall be rejected with the error "service not supported" (general status code 0x08).

      The Cip Safety Specification, Volume 5 Edition 2.17, states that the reset service of the Identity object is optional for CIP Safety devices. However, in order to simplify the interface of the EtherNet/IP stack to a CIP Safety host application we entirely switch off the reset service, which is also compliant to the specification.

      Mode of operation:

      The EtherNet/IP stack shall recognize autonomously, whether there is a CIP Safety Application running on top of it. This shall be achived by checking the availability of the Safety Network Nummber (SNN) of the TCP/IP Interface Object (attribute 7), which must be activated by the CIP Safety host application anyway. If the SN is available, the reset service will be "disabled".


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                  • Reporter:
                    KMichel Kai Michel
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