There is an issue when using RS-Linx to change the IP configuration from DHCP to STATIC while at the same time changing the IP address.
RS-Linx does this by sending two set_attribute_single service. One for setting attribute 3 (DHCSP --> STATIC) and one for setting 5 (change IP address).
When attribute 3 is written, the netX firmware closes its TCP connection and applies its IP parameters again.
This behavior interupts the configuration process from RS-Linx. After writing attribute 3, attribute 5 will not be set. Therefore, the netX device ends up in STATIC IP mode, but the IP address not changed.
For a more detailed description see:
WireShark trace:
Background information:
Since EIP-Core V3.5.0.0 the EtherNet/IP stack closes its TCP connection, when TCP/IP Interface attribtue 3 is changed to any new value.
V3.5.0.0 was the first version used inside the netX90 firmwares. Therefore, the netX90 firwmwares behaved like this from the very beginning (since 2020).
There is a simple workaround available:
Instead of changing the mode to STATIC and at the same time changing the IP address octets, do it in a two-step way in RSLinx.
- Change IP mode to STATIC --> click apply
Change IP address octets --> click apply
These are the EIP-Core generations that show the behavior:
V3.5.0.x, V3.6.0.x, V3.7.0.x
These are the EtherNet/IP firmware generations that show the behavior:
V3.5.0.x, V3.6.0.x, V3.7.0.x
V5.1.0.x, V5.2.0.x, V5.3.0.x,
The behavior will be changed for the following generations:
EtherNet/IP Core: V3.7
EtherNet/IP firmware: V3.7, V5.3
Issue Links
- discovered
PSLWIP-430 [DHCP Client] - Do not clear netif IP when DHCP/BOOTP client is disabled
- Closed