Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: V2.4.1.0
Update to Driver Ethernet V1.12.3.0 in order to adapt to new VLAN tag interface.
Take the following Driver Ethernet migration note into account:
## V1.12.2.0
* With [PSDRVETH-197]( a new handling for VLAN-Tags was introduced. This was necessary because the GTSB HAL (netX9xx - TSN Switch) uses a different way to handle VLAN-Tags than all other switches before. To support this new handling, a new callback "pfnGetFrameVlan" was introduced to retrieve a buffer with VLAN-Tag. The structure ETH_FRAME_FRAG_T was renamed to ETH_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_T and extended with another pointer "pbEthType" which points to the beginning of the EtherType within the retrieved frame buffer which is retrieved by the callback functions "pfnGetFrame" and "pfnGetFrameVlan". Depending on this pointer to the EtherType, the application has to write its payload data from the beginning of this address. A VLAN-Tag must be provided by the structure ETH_FRAME_PROP_T which was extended by another parameter "usTCI". Also, the field "bFlags" within this structure was extended by another bit ETH_FRAME_PROP_FLAG_VLAN (bit 1) which must be set if a VLAN-Tag is used. Information about destination and source MAC addresses can be written into the frame buffer via the "pbPayload" pointer of the structure ETH_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_T as already known from previous versions.
The same applies if VLAN-Tagged frames are received. Information about the VLAN-Tag itself are provided within the properties structure ETH_FRAME_PROP_T and no more in the frame buffer itself.
**The change does not affect the send mechanism when sending frames without VLAN-Tag**
Issue Links
- blocks
PSEIP-837 Add VLAN-tagging for QoS object (attribute 1)
- Closed
PSEISV3-863 Add VLAN-tagging for QoS object (attribute 1)
- Closed
PSEISV5-436 Add VLAN-tagging for QoS object (attribute 1)
- Closed
- relates to
PSPTP-115 Add VLAN-tagging of transmitted PTP frames
- Closed