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  1. PROFINET IO-Device V5
  2. PSPNSV5-149

SystemRedundancy Firmwares: adjust number of AR ressources in taglist


    • Account:
      SPC Profinet Slave (SPCPROFINE)


      A clarification from PROFINET certification requirements:

      If an IO Device does NOT support "SharedDevice" according to its GSDML file, but it supports S2 SystemRedundancy, the IO Device shall NOT accept 2 parallel IO ARs (although technically the corresponding ressources exist)

      However, if an IO Device supports "SharedDevice" according to its GSDML file, and it supports S2 SystemRedundancy, the IO Device shall accept 2 parallel IO ARs.


      There is no API available to inform the firmware about the presence or absence of GSDML keyword "SharedDeviceSupported". Current firmware implementation extracts this information from the taglist setting "number of additional IO ARs".

      For SystemRedundancy-enabled firmware this no longer works as the taglist must state "number of additional IO ARs > 0" in order to make S2 SystemRedundancy work at all..


      The SystemRedundancy firmwares (and ONLY these firmwares) shall be modified in the following way

      • if taglist states "number of additional IO ARs" = 0, the overal supported number of AR Resources is "taglist value for additional IO ARs plus two". In this case SharedDevice is not supported.
      • if taglist states "number of additional IO ARs"  > 0, the overal supported number of AR Resources is unchanged "taglist value for additional IO ARs plus one". In this case SharedDevice is supported.

      This allows the user to implicitly give the firmware the information whether SharedDevice is supported (taglist states number of additional IO ARs > 0) or not (taglist states number of additional IO ARs = 0).


      None-SystemRedundancy firmware shall not be modified by this change.


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                  • Reporter:
                    BMeyer Benjamin Meyer
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