Vol1Ed3.23wd2.pdf spcifies in section 3-4.5.2 "Inactivity/Watchdog Timer" for the timeouts of connection towards a consuming assembly instance:
Two different values are used for the Inactivity/Watchdog Timer, based on whether or not the Connection Object has consumed a message:
1. The initial value loaded into the Inactivity/Watchdog Timer is either 10,000 milliseconds (10 seconds) or the expected_packet_rate multiplied by the connection_timeout_multiplier, depending on which value is numerically greater1. If the expected_packet_rate attribute multiplied by the connection_timeout_multiplier is greater than 10,000, then the expected_packet_rate multiplied by the connection_timeout_multiplier is used. Otherwise, 10,000 (10 seconds) is used. This is referred to as the preconsumption timeout value. This value is used because a Connection may transition to the Established state before all endpoints are fully configured
It seems like the current implementation is not consistent with this specification. The pre-consumption timeout value is always 10 seconds, even if the requested timeout value for the connection (packet_interval multiplied by timeout_multiplier) exceeds this value of 10 seconds.