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  1. EtherNet/IP Firmware V3
  2. PSEISV3-167

The stack fails the Point-Point T->O on non-default port test of CT14 (certification issue)


    • Account:
      SPC EthernetIp Slave (SPCETHERNE)


      Reported error by CT14:
      > *** Point-Point T->O SockAddr Info item sin_port 2222 in the ForwardOpen response does not match the requested port 2000 in the ForwardOpen request.

      Excerpt from test spec (attached => CIP_PCTS.pdf):
      j) Point-Point T->O on non-default port test
      This test verifies the the following statement in Vol 2 Ed 1.21 section 3-3.9.6:
      "If the point-point consumer chooses a port number that is different than 0x08AE, then the
      point-point consumer shall send a Sockaddr Info item indicating the chosen port number."

      i. Open an I/O connection with Point-Point T->O on a UDP port other than 2222.
      Fail: The DUT is unable to open the connection on the requested port.
      ii. Continuously receive T->O I/O for 10 second on the selected port.
      Pass: The DUT generates I/O on the selected port.
      Fail: The DUT does not generate I/O or still generate I/O on the default port 2222.
      iii.Close the I/O connection




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                • Reporter:
                  KMichel Kai Michel
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