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  1. EtherNet/IP Core V3
  2. PSEIP-826

Link loss may cause TCP to be half open for a long time


    • Account:
      SPC EthernetIp Core (SPCETHERNET)


      This problem was discovered during the EtherNet/IP Plugfest after consecutive runnings of test P12.10 from EDITT (v1.25.01).

      Test Procedure:

      • If the device supports an Exclusive Owner connection, establish a class 1 Exclusive Owner connection with the connection parameters below.  If the device does not support an Exclusive Owner connection, establish a class 1 Input Only connection.
        • Cyclic
        • Multicast T->O
        • Unicast O->T
        • 100 msec RPI
        • 4x Timeout Multiplier
      • Establish a class 1 Input Only or Listen Only connection from the second host IP address to the same input connection point used above with the same parameters as above.


      • Open 2 Class 3 connections to the DUT over each of the 3 host IP addresses:
        • Get Attribute Single command to attributes 2 and 3 of instance 1 of the Identity Object.
        • 250 msec RPI


      • Make sure all connections were established.
      • Sustain the connections for a period of 15 seconds, watching for connection failures or timeouts.


      • Prompt user to disconnect Ethernet cable from DUT.
      • Wait 5 seconds after connection loss and Prompt user to reconnect cable.
      • Make sure all connections resume.
      • Sustain the connections for a period of 15 seconds, watching for connection failures or timeouts.


      • Prompt user to disconnect Ethernet cable from DUT.
      • Wait 30 seconds after connection loss and Prompt user to reconnect cable.
      • Make sure all connections resume.
      • Sustain the connections for a period of 15 seconds, watching for connection failures or timeouts.


      • Prompt user to disconnect Ethernet cable from DUT.
      • Wait 3 minutes after connection loss and Prompt user to reconnect cable.
      • Make sure all connections resume.
      • Sustain the connections for a period of 15 seconds, watching for connection failures or timeouts.


      • Close all connections.

      Problem description:

      When running P12.10 the test will fail because the DUT runs out of TCP sockets. The reason are half open TCP sockets that are in closing state (performing a 4-way graceful socket close) but didn't received any ACK from the client which in turn causes the socket to stay in a waiting state and open for a long time.
      Waiting for several minutes would free these sockets again. However, an end user would not expect a device to behave like that.


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                    OKompani Omid Kompani
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