LLDP-EXT-PNO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI MacAddress, DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF lldpExtensions, lldpRemTimeMark, lldpRemLocalPortNum, lldpRemIndex, lldpPortConfigEntry, lldpLocPortNum FROM LLDP-MIB; lldpXPnoMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200730090000Z" -- September 30, 2007 ORGANIZATION "PROFIBUS International (PNO)" CONTACT-INFO " URL: http://www.profibus.com email: info@profibus.com Postal: Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 7 D-76131 Karlsruhe Tel: ++49 721 9658 - 590 " DESCRIPTION " The LLDP Management Information Base extension module for PROFINET organizationally defined discovery information. Copyright (C) PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (2005). " REVISION "200612300000Z" -- December 30, 2006 DESCRIPTION "initial version" -- OUI for PNO 3791 (00-0E-CF) ::= { lldpExtensions 3791 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Organizationally Defined Information Extension - PNO -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lldpXPnoObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoMIB 1 } -- LLDP PNO extension MIB groups lldpXPnoConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoObjects 1 } lldpXPnoLocalData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoObjects 2 } lldpXPnoRemoteData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoObjects 3 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PNO - Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lldpXPnoConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LldpXPnoConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A table that controls selection of LLDP TLVs to be transmitted on individual ports. " ::= { lldpXPnoConfig 1 } lldpXPnoConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpXPnoConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " LLDP configuration information that controls the transmission of PNO organizationally defined TLVs on LLDP transmission capable ports. This configuration object augments the lldpPortConfigEntry of the LLDP-MIB, therefore it is only present along with the port configuration defined by the associated lldpPortConfigEntry entry. Each active lldpXPnoConfigEntry must be restored from non-volatile storage (along with the corresponding lldpPortConfigEntry) after a re-initialization of the management system. " AUGMENTS { lldpPortConfigEntry} ::= { lldpXPnoConfigTable 1 } LldpXPnoConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lldpXPnoConfigSPDTxEnable TruthValue, lldpXPnoConfigPortStatusTxEnable TruthValue, lldpXPnoConfigAliasTxEnable TruthValue, lldpXPnoConfigMrpTxEnable TruthValue, lldpXPnoConfigPtcpTxEnable TruthValue } lldpXPnoConfigSPDTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lldpXPnoConfigSPDTxEnable, which is defined as a truth value and configured by the network management, determines whether the PNO organizationally defined signal propagation delay TLV transmission is allowed on a given LLDP transmission capable port. The signal propagation delay is composed of the port transmission delay, the port receiving delay and the line delay. These values can't be transmitted independently of each other. The value of this object must be restored from non-volatile storage after a re-initialization of the management system. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { lldpXPnoConfigEntry 1 } lldpXPnoConfigPortStatusTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lldpXPnoConfigPortStatusTxEnable, which is defined as a truth value and configured by the network management, determines whether the PNO organizationally defined RT port status TLV transmission is allowed on a given LLDP transmission capable port. The value of this object must be restored from non-volatile storage after a re-initialization of the management system. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { lldpXPnoConfigEntry 2 } lldpXPnoConfigAliasTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lldpXPnoConfigAliasTxEnable, which is defined as a truth value and configured by the network management, determines whether the PNO organizationally defined alias TLV (chassisId) transmission is allowed on a given LLDP transmission capable port. The value of this object must be restored from non-volatile storage after a re-initialization of the management system. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { lldpXPnoConfigEntry 3 } lldpXPnoConfigMrpTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lldpXPnoConfigMrpTxEnable, which is defined as a truth value and configured by the network management, determines whether the PNO organizationally defined MRP TLV transmission is allowed on a given LLDP transmission capable port. The value of this object must be restored from non-volatile storage after a re-initialization of the management system. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { lldpXPnoConfigEntry 4 } lldpXPnoConfigPtcpTxEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lldpXPnoConfigPtcpTxEnable, which is defined as a truth value and configured by the network management, determines whether the PNO organizationally defined PTCP TLV transmission is allowed on a given LLDP transmission capable port. The value of this object must be restored from non-volatile storage after a re-initialization of the management system. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { lldpXPnoConfigEntry 5 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PNO - Local System Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lldpXPnoLocTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LldpXPnoLocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains one row per port for PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension on the local system known to this agent. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocalData 1 } lldpXPnoLocEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpXPnoLocEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Additional information about a particular port component. This object is indexed by the lldpLocPortNum of the LLDP-MIB, therefore it is only present along with the port entry defined by the associated lldpLocPortEntry entry. Each active lldpXPnoLocEntry must be restored from non-volatile storage (along with the corresponding lldpLocPortEntry) after a re-initialization of the management system. " INDEX { lldpLocPortNum } ::= { lldpXPnoLocTable 1 } LldpXPnoLocEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lldpXPnoLocLPDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortTxDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortRxDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT2 INTEGER, lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT3 INTEGER, lldpXPnoLocPortNoS DisplayString, lldpXPnoLocPortMrpUuId OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoLocPortMrrtStatus INTEGER, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpMaster MacAddress, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpSubdomainUUID OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpIRDataUUID OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoLocPortModeRT3 INTEGER, lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodLength Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoLocPortRedOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortRedValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoLocPortGreenOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoLocPortGreenValidity TruthValue } lldpXPnoLocLPDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the line propagation delay in nanoseconds which was measured by the local system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 1 } lldpXPnoLocPortTxDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the PortTxDelay in nanoseconds which was measured by the local system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 2 } lldpXPnoLocPortRxDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the PortRxDelay in nanoseconds which was measured by the local system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 3 } lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), running(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value represents the status of the corresponding port of the local system according to RT class 2. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any RT2 capability available for this port. When the port is configured for RT2 mode, but the mode isn't active yet the value will be configured(1). If the RT2 mode is configured for this port and the mode is active, the value will be running(2). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 4 } lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), up(2), down(3), running(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value represents the status of the corresponding port of the local system according to RT class 3. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any RT3 capability available for this port. When the port is configured for RT3 mode, but the mode isn't active yet the value will be configured(1). When the port is ready for transmission and reception of RT3 traffic, the port status will be running(4). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 5 } lldpXPnoLocPortNoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The local PROFINET NameofStation. If the station isn't configured yet, the value of this object will be the MAC address of the device as a string. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 6 } lldpXPnoLocPortMrpUuId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the MRP domain to which this port belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a MRP domain, the value must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 7 } lldpXPnoLocPortMrrtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), up(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object reports the status of the MRRT entity of the corresponding port. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any MRRT capability available for this port or it is switched off. The value configured(1) indicates that MRRT is configured for the port. When MRRT is active on the port, the value will be up(2). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 8 } lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The interface MAC address of the PTCP sync master device of the PTCP subdomain. If unknown it shall be set to zero. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 9 } lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpSubdomainUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the PTCP subdomain to which this port belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a PTCP subdomain or the subdomain is invalid or unknown the value of this object must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 10 } lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpIRDataUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the IR data domain to which this port belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a IR data domain or the domain is invalid or unknown the value of this object must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 11 } lldpXPnoLocPortModeRT3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standard(1), optimized(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The mode in which the RT3 status is given. If the object is in standard mode all five values of RT3 status are valid, else only ... " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 12 } lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (31250..4000000) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the duration of a cycle in nanoseconds on the corresponding port. The value shall be a multiply of 31250 nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 13 } lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodLength of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 14 } lldpXPnoLocPortRedOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the RT_CLASS_3 period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 15 } lldpXPnoLocPortRedValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoLocPortRedOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 16 } lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the RT_CLASS_2 period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 17 } lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 18 } lldpXPnoLocPortGreenOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the unrestricted period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 19 } lldpXPnoLocPortGreenValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoLocPortGreenOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoLocEntry 20 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PNO - Remote System Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lldpXPnoRemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LldpXPnoRemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains one or more rows per physical network connection known to this agent. The agent may wish to ensure that only one lldpXPnoRemEntry is present for each local port, or it may choose to maintain multiple lldpXPnoRemEntries for the same local port. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemoteData 1 } lldpXPnoRemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LldpXPnoRemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry represents the received information of the communication partner on this physical connection. The entries feature multiple indices from the lldpRemEntry of the LLDP-MIB, therefore it is only present along with the description defined by the associated lldpRemEntry entry. " INDEX { lldpRemTimeMark, lldpRemLocalPortNum, lldpRemIndex } ::= { lldpXPnoRemTable 1 } LldpXPnoRemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lldpXPnoRemLPDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortTxDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortRxDValue Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT2 INTEGER, lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT3 INTEGER, lldpXPnoRemPortNoS DisplayString, lldpXPnoRemPortMrpUuId OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoRemPortMrrtStatus INTEGER, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpMaster MacAddress, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpSubdomainUUID OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpIRDataUUID OCTET STRING, lldpXPnoRemPortModeRT3 INTEGER, lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodLength Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoRemPortRedOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortRedValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeValidity TruthValue, lldpXPnoRemPortGreenOffset Unsigned32, lldpXPnoRemPortGreenValidity TruthValue } lldpXPnoRemLPDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the line propagation delay in nanoseconds which was measured by the remote system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the remote system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 1 } lldpXPnoRemPortTxDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the PortTxDelay in nanoseconds which was measured by the remote system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the remote system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 2 } lldpXPnoRemPortRxDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the PortRxDelay in nanoseconds which was measured by the remote system on the corresponding port. A value of zero shall be used if the remote system either could not accomplish the measurement or does not support such a measurement. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 3 } lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), running(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value represents the status of the corresponding port of the remote system according to RT class 2. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any RT2 capability available for this port. When the port is configured for RT2 mode, but the mode isn't active yet the value will be configured(1). If the RT2 mode is configured for this port and the mode is active, the value will be running(2). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 4 } lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), up(2), down(3), running(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value represents the status of the corresponding port of the remote system according to RT class 3. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any RT3 capability available for this port. When the port is configured for RT3 mode, but the mode isn't active yet the value will be configured(1). When the port is ready for transmission and reception of RT3 traffic, the port status will be running(4). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 5 } lldpXPnoRemPortNoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The PROFINET NameofStation of the remote partner. If the station isn't configured yet, the value of this object will be the MAC address of the device as a string. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 6 } lldpXPnoRemPortMrpUuId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the MRP domain to which the corresponding port of the remote system belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a MRP domain, the value must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 7 } lldpXPnoRemPortMrrtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), configured(1), up(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object reports the status of the MRRT entity of the corresponding port. A value of off(0) means that there isn't any MRRT capability available for this port or it is switched off. The value configured(1) indicates that MRRT is configured for the port. When MRRT is active on the port, the value will be up(2). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 8 } lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The interface MAC address of the PTCP sync master device of the PTCP subdomain. If unknown it shall be set to zero. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 9 } lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpSubdomainUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the PTCP subdomain to which this port belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a PTCP subdomain or the subdomain is invalid or unknown the value of this object must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 10 } lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpIRDataUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The UUID of the IR data domain to which this port belongs to. If the port doesn't belong to a IR data domain or the domain is invalid or unknown the value of this object must be NIL ('0000000000000000'). " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 11 } lldpXPnoRemPortModeRT3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standard(1), optimized(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The mode in which the RT3 status is given. If the object is in standard mode all five values of RT3 status are valid, else only ... " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 12 } lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (31250..4000000) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the duration of a cycle in nanoseconds on the corresponding port. The value shall be a multiply of 31250 nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 13 } lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodLength of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 14 } lldpXPnoRemPortRedOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the RT_CLASS_3 period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 15 } lldpXPnoRemPortRedValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoRemPortRedOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 16 } lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the RT_CLASS_2 period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 17 } lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 18 } lldpXPnoRemPortGreenOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3999999) UNITS "ns" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This integer value represents the begin of the unrestricted period of the cycle of the receive direction on the corresponding port as an offset relative to the begin of the cycle in nanoseconds. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 19 } lldpXPnoRemPortGreenValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The value of this object indicates whether the value of lldpXPnoRemPortGreenOffset of the according table entry is valid or not. " ::= { lldpXPnoRemEntry 20 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Conformance Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lldpXPnoConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoMIB 2 } lldpXPnoCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoConformance 1 } lldpXPnoGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { lldpXPnoConformance 2 } -- compliance statements lldpXPnoCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension MIB. " MODULE -- compliant to this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { lldpXPnoConfigGroup, lldpXPnoLocGroup, lldpXPnoRemGroup } GROUP lldpXPnoMrpGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if the system provides MRP." GROUP lldpXPnoPtcpGroup DESCRIPTION "Required if the system provides PTCP." ::= { lldpXPnoCompliances 1 } -- MIB groupings lldpXPnoConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lldpXPnoConfigSPDTxEnable, lldpXPnoConfigPortStatusTxEnable, lldpXPnoConfigAliasTxEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The collection of objects which are used to configure the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension implementation behavior. This group is mandatory for agents which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension, because the information about the signal propagation delay is necessary to configure PROFINET domains. " ::= { lldpXPnoGroups 1 } lldpXPnoLocGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lldpXPnoLocLPDValue, lldpXPnoLocPortTxDValue, lldpXPnoLocPortRxDValue, lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT2, lldpXPnoLocPortStatusRT3, lldpXPnoLocPortNoS, lldpXPnoLocPortModeRT3, lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodLength, lldpXPnoLocPortPeriodValidity, lldpXPnoLocPortRedOffset, lldpXPnoLocPortRedValidity, lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeOffset, lldpXPnoLocPortOrangeValidity, lldpXPnoLocPortGreenOffset, lldpXPnoLocPortGreenValidity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The collection of objects which are used to configure the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension implementation behavior. This group is mandatory for agents which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension, because the information about the signal propagation delay is necessary to configure PROFINET domains. " ::= { lldpXPnoGroups 2 } lldpXPnoRemGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lldpXPnoRemLPDValue, lldpXPnoRemPortTxDValue, lldpXPnoRemPortRxDValue, lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT2, lldpXPnoRemPortStatusRT3, lldpXPnoRemPortNoS, lldpXPnoRemPortModeRT3, lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodLength, lldpXPnoRemPortPeriodValidity, lldpXPnoRemPortRedOffset, lldpXPnoRemPortRedValidity, lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeOffset, lldpXPnoRemPortOrangeValidity, lldpXPnoRemPortGreenOffset, lldpXPnoRemPortGreenValidity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The collection of objects which are used to configure the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension implementation behavior. This group is mandatory for agents which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension, because the information about the signal propagation delay is necessary to configure PROFINET domains. " ::= { lldpXPnoGroups 3 } lldpXPnoMrpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lldpXPnoConfigMrpTxEnable, lldpXPnoLocPortMrpUuId, lldpXPnoLocPortMrrtStatus, lldpXPnoRemPortMrpUuId, lldpXPnoRemPortMrrtStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The collection of objects which are used to configure the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension implementation behavior. This group is mandatory for agents which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension, because the information about the signal propagation delay is necessary to configure PROFINET domains. " ::= { lldpXPnoGroups 4 } lldpXPnoPtcpGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { lldpXPnoConfigPtcpTxEnable, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpMaster, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpSubdomainUUID, lldpXPnoLocPortPtcpIRDataUUID, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpMaster, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpSubdomainUUID, lldpXPnoRemPortPtcpIRDataUUID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The collection of objects which are used to configure the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension implementation behavior. This group is mandatory for agents which implement the PNO organizationally defined LLDP extension, because the information about the signal propagation delay is necessary to configure PROFINET domains. " ::= { lldpXPnoGroups 5 } END